Plan des pistes de ski de fond: imprimez le !

J’ai ajouté une fonction pour permettre d’imprimer une carte. Utilisez l’icone ‘imprimer’ dans le menu, puis choisissez le format.

La sortie est un fichier pdf, sur fond Openstreetmap. Cette fonctionalité est délibérement limitée pour éviter une charge trop importante: il n’est possible d’imprimer que des régions contenant des pistes de ski de fond, et seulement deux tailles d’impression sont disponibles.

Edit 2020: Outdated

New tagging proposal for ski sites

There were a few attempts to describe ski resorts in OSM, all with more or less success. So I commit this proposal: site=piste.

You are more than welcome to comment or ammend it here: discussion.

For those not used to relations, it’s just a way to relate various elements(way, nodes, piste routes) with each other, here by a simple thing: ski !

The main practical goal of this is to give these site a name, so that we can easily find winter_sport areas as such in the database.


Extended terrain layer

The hillshading layer of is now extended up to72°North with ASTER data.

The same dataset is used for contour lines, hillshading and elevation profile. Itis made of a mix of SRTM data with voids filled from ASTER data. I hopeCanadian and Scandinavian cross-country skiers will appreciate! Anchorage

These 2 overlays (contour and hillshade) are intended for solely use, except express permission. Feel free to contact me byemail, I can provide the hillshade layer as a single sqlite file of 53GB andhelp you to set up a tile server.

ASTER is a product by METI and NASA.

Latest changes on the crosscountry skiing map


  • Pistes colours are back on tiles
  • Thanks to the wonderful work done lately on Mapnik, I had the opportunity to re-work the mapstyle. The rendering tool chain on the server now allow us to add (rendering only!) an offset between overlaying pistes relations to show them nicelyaccording to their ‘color=*’ tag.
    You can tweak yourself the rendering of your mapping area! Available in menu> edit the map .
  • Spanish translation, thanks Gari !
  • Yet, all translations but English and French need completion. I you have afew minutes to spent, it’s here.
  • Bug fixes
  • There are bugs and ergonomic fixes everywhere, the vector part of the siteshould be easier to play with now.

New skin and new features is already preparing next winter, major changes arecoming to the site.

Change list

  • Piste tile layer

New mapnik layer to show crosscountry ski pistes with lower browser burden.The vector layer can now be found in ‘Interactive mode’.

  • New rendering style

The pistes are now shown colored from their groundtruth marking color.Difficulty is noted with icons.

  • 8-day snow cover

Thanks to the NCDIS Modis data processing,low-zoom tiles show the world snow cover about 1 to 2 weeks ago (find exactdates in About’ menu).

In July 2012

In april 2012

  • Base map

By default, the base map is courtesy of Mapquest, whose light style fit particularlywell with our winter practise. Switch to Openstreetmap style via the menu.

Under the hood: Mapnik 2.0.1, Postgres9.1, Postgis 2.0, Openlayer 2.12.

There is still some room for improvement, and surely you will find some bughere and there, keep in mind that every apsect of the site will be polished inthe following months.

And if you want to help in translation, check thoses files, complete them or provideyours!

NOTE: No update is automated yet !
