Routing is now availale on mobile

After the switch to Openlayers 6 a few weeks ago, I am now able to provide the Opensnowmap mobile version with routing functionality.

Routing works in a similar way than on the desktop version, it’s only point and click (or rather tap and tap), there is no geocoder. You can however use the ‘Search’ menu to find your pistes.

Just tap near a piste, a waypoint will be snapped onto it. Then drag the point if you want to relocate it accurately. You can add as many waypoint you want, and insert a point along a way to move it afterward.

When you want to exit the routing mode, just tap on the blinking blue routing icon.

No change as been made (yet) on the server-side router, you can still climb back alpine descents and take lifts the other way around. Let say it’s a feature !



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